Briella Loved Peeps
Briella loved Peeps but it was not because they were her favorite candy to eat. She loved them because her dad and aunt have a Peep war that started back in 2001. This Peep war of sorts involves Peeping the other persons house, car, or maybe even work. I won’t say who has gotten whom better. Let’s just say there has been much creativity involved. Briella didn’t really care whom she was helping…her dad or her aunt. She just really wanted the Peep war to keep going.
She loved to go to the store around Easter and help pick out new ammo. Ammo didn’t just consist of the candy Peeps but anything Peeps related. This is how Mr Peephoppers came to be. Briella found a pink Peep bunny on clearance after Easter and she just had to get it for her dad’s ammo collection. It didn’t stop with just one. She needed a stuffed animal of her own. Mr Peephoppers came to represent her dad. She had a stuffed animal to represent each of us.
Mr. Peephoppers and Baby Jodi
This year we are still on the lookout for new Peeps. They are just a little more special as they make us think of Briella. This year we added a Peep decoration to our front step. We peeped ourselves! And we found a mini Mr. Peephoppers and a cowboy Peep. The Peep war must go on!
We “peeped” ourselves.
Briella would have LOVED this one!